Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Allison Sudradjat and Hadi Soesastro Prizes

The Allison Sudradjat prize honours the former head of the Australian aid program in Indonesia, who died tragically in a plane crash in Yogyakarta on 7 March 2007. Ms Sudradjat had deep personal and professional connections with Indonesia over many years, making an enormous contribution to the bilateral relationship. She was passionate about the use of education to empower people to shape their own future and the future of their communities.  

The Hadi Soesastro Prize honours one of Indonesia’s most eminent thinkers, the late Professor Hadi Soesastro, a great friend of Australia. Professor Soesastro was an economist, academic and public intellectual with close personal, intellectual and policy connections to Australia, who made major contributions to Asia-Pacific cooperation and development in Indonesia. 

The Allison Sudradjat Prize and the Hadi Soesastro Prize are offered to Australia Awards scholars to support personal development and networking opportunities. Prizes in the form of grant funding are provided for discrete activities that enhance the potential for scholars as future alumni to contribute to the achievement of AAI’s five intermediate outcomes, namely:

  • Apply new knowledge and skills within their organisations and professions
  • Strengthen and leverage their networks
  • Take up leadership opportunities and empower others to lead
  • Strengthen their connections with Australia
  • Collaborate with one another


  • Allison Sudradjat Prize (ASP) is a grant for AAI Masters scholars currently studying in Australia or those who have been awarded the AAI Nusantara Scholarships.
  • Hadi Soesastro Prize is a grant for AAI PhD scholars currently studying in Australia.

Grant Features

  • Preference to grant proposals in the range of AUD 3,000 - 10,000
  • Funds to be provided as an advance, as reimbursement for expenses paid, or as payments directly to service providers.

Indicative Activities

The Allison Sudradjat Prize and the Hadi Soesastro Prize are intended to support discrete activities, not complex projects with multiple inputs. Activities are specific tasks that will have an immediate impact on specific outcomes. Indicative activities include:  

  • Delivering or attending training, workshops and seminars.
  • Personal or professional development courses.
  • Activities that form part of AAI short course award projects.
  • Capacity building, mentoring or coaching.
  • Academic research and research-related activities.
  • R&D and innovation.
  • Knowledge and technology transfer.
  • Professional networking events and programs.
  • Public awareness campaigns.
  • Organisational or institutional strengthening.
  • Community development activities.

Grant Guidelines

We encourage AAI scholars and alumni interested in grants to download and read the following documents to understand the new AAI grants model.

How to apply

Grant applications can be submitted online using the following link:

ASP Application

HSP Application

Please complete the application for the Allison Sudradjat Prize and the Hadi Soesastro Prize Round 1 and submit it before 26 May 2024, at 11:45 PM WIB (Western Indonesia Time).

Late submissions will not be accepted.

If you have any questions about the Allison Sudradjat Prize or Hadi Soesastro Prize, please contact us at  and use the subject line: “Queries – ASP 2024” or “Queries – HSP 2024” .

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