Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

05 December 2022

Project-based and Case-based Teaching and Learning Project

Project leader: Dr. Kismullah, S.Pd., M.App.Ling

Level of education and university: PhD, Deakin University

Collaborating Organisations: Universitas Syiah Kuala

Project Location: Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Education and Training, Monitoring and Evaluation

Project Rationale:

The most common issue encountered by the university departments is they merely achieve the indicators for project-based and case-based teaching as part of the curriculum indicators. When submitting the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for the curriculum, the lecturers still lack the understanding to fulfill the concept of project-based and case-based teaching. Most of the course plans offered by the majority of departments at universities in Aceh do not have 40% project-based and case-based teaching content as required by the Emancipated Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka). As a result, the institutions have not fulfilled the requirements of the Education Ministry.

This is because the information, including training and workshops, provided to most of the universities in Aceh related to this approach is still insufficient. Most lecturers hardly comprehend how to create the comprehensive course plans needed, especially in the area of project-based and case-based teaching. Although they might have the expertise in their field, they lack the skills in designing the project-based and case-based course plans.

Therefore, the lecturers in university departments in Aceh need to be provided with training and workshops to support them in developing their capacity in designing project-based and case-based teaching.

Project Beneficiaries:

Participants of the training and workshops will be 30 lecturers teaching at 6 universities in the Province of Aceh. They are teaching staff in different fields of study.

Priority Development Area:


Link with Australian organisation:

Not available

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