11 February 2025
Join our Australian Alumni Grant Info Session!
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The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia
05 December 2022
Project leader: RR. Dirgarini Julia Nurlianti Subagyono
Level of education and university: PhD, Monash University
Collaborating Organisations: Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Kimia SMA/MA Samarinda, East Kalimantan
Project Location: The meeting with MGMP Kimia, Samarinda will be conducted at a senior high school in Samarinda. The offline workshop will be conducted in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Mulawarman University. The online workshops will be conducted via Zoom.
Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar
Sector: Education and Training, Human Resource Development
Project Rationale:
Chemistry has a very important role in everyday life for various types of applications, such as the food industry, medicine, clothing industry, household chemicals, petroleum industry, water and sanitation, etc. However, chemistry is often perceived as a difficult, complicated and boring subject by students, especially for those who live in rural or remote areas where access to adequate educational resources is difficult. Lack of understanding in basic and general chemistry has the potential to harm society and the environment, for example, improper use of chemicals. In our previous AGS project, “Developing chemistry board games for fun and interactive chemistry learning for high school students in rural areas of East Kalimantan”, we successfully conducted a three-day workshop which was attended by 54 chemistry teachers and 70 high school students. We have also distributed 35 units of chemistry board games to high school teachers in Samarinda and some rural areas of East Kalimantan for free. The main message of our program has been conveyed, namely that chemistry is very important in everyday life for many types of applications and that chemistry board games are an interactive and fun way of chemistry education. Furthermore, based on our evaluation we found that both teachers and students in East Kalimantan had shown great interest in learning chemistry with chemistry board games; the chemistry board games have been well received by most of the participants. Detailed quantitative data on student and teacher perceptions of the use of chemistry board games have been published in the journal e-Dimas (http://journal.upgris.ac.id/index.php/e-dimas/article/view/50510), a community service journal. Based on the results of the previous AGS project and a recent online survey with the chemistry teachers who have received and used the chemistry board games, improvement of the design and content of chemistry board games is important, so we will create the second generation of chemistry board games with better designs and new chemistry questions. In addition, in this second generation game, a new game in the form of chemical detective will be added.
Project Beneficiaries:
The direct beneficiaries are 120 chemistry teachers within Samarinda and the rural area of East Kalimantan.
Priority Development Area:
Link with Australian organisation:
Not available
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