24 Juli 2019
AKATARA: a renewable energy card game for students in East Nusa Tenggara
More than 120 students in the island of Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, are having fun while learning abo... Baca selengkapnya
The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia
15 September 2017
Project Leader: Maria Melita Rahardjo
University: University of South Australia
Collaborating Organisations: -
Project Location: Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Activity Type : Knowledge and technology transfer
Sector : Education and training
Project Objective :
- To socialise the proper flow of early learning assessment and early intervention for children with special needs in 39 districts in Semarang and Salatiga (up to 700 early childhood services - Pos PAUD and Kelompok Bermain/ KB) through posters and books;
- To socialise teachers’ roles after children with special needs are assessed and have received their individual program from child psychologist/ pediatrician in 39 districts in Semarang and Salatiga (up to 700 early childhood services - Pos PAUD and Kelompok Bermain/ KB); and
- To introduce several teacher-friendly early learning assessments in 10 early childhood services through one-day visit training.
Project Description:
The project will develop a one-page poster that covers the first steps in detecting children with special needs in the classroom until the children receive their individual program from a child psychologist. This poster contains a summary of the procedures to follow when a teacher detects a child with special needs in his or her classroom. This poster will be accompanied by a guidebook that explains who can be regarded as child psychologist, and what parents get when their child is assessed by the child psychologist.
The poster will be socialised in two major areas: Salatiga and Semarang. Up to 800 KB and Pos PAUD are targeted to receive the information. These services are chosen because they serve children aged between 2 to 4 years, the ideal age for early intervention. The socialisation will be done during monthly meetings in each district. This will improve teachers’ knowledge and thus, the children with special needs in their services can be detected and receive intervention as early as possible.
Furthermore, this project will facilitate up to 40 Pos PAUD/ KB to receive further training in conducting the early learning assessment.
Project Beneficiaries:
The direct beneficiaries are at least 800 teachers that work in targeted Pos PAUD and KB services.
Priority Development Area:
Human development for a productive and healthy society
Links with Australia:
Relevant Facts:
Badan Pusat Statistik reports there were 1.6 million children with special needs in Indonesia in 2016.
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