Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

03 Oktober 2018

Development of Inclusive Education in Ternate.

Project Leader: Ms. Fatum Ade

University of Origin: The University of Sydney

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Locations : Maluku Utara    

Activity Type : Training, workshop or seminar    

Sector : Disability Services

Project Rationale:

The city of Ternate is an archipelagic city with 8 islands, five of them are inhabited, including Ternate, Moti, Hiri, and Batangdua Island. According to social welfare issues data reported by the Office of Ternate City Social Service, the number of people with disabilities in Ternate city accounts for 823 people.

The Government of Ternate city provides 3 units of special schools for people with disabilities, and all of them are located in downtown Ternate. To date, the issue of inclusive education not yet been campaigned and implemented in the city. Meaning that none 106 primary schools and 26 junior high schools in Ternate city are considered as inclusive schools.

Due to these reasons, inclusive education is urgently required in Ternate city. This is to ensure that the right of education for persons with disabilities in the city is in accordance with the mandate of National Education System Law 20/2013, Ministerial Regulation on Inclusive Education 70/2009, and the People with Disabilities Law 08/2016.

Project Description:

Encouraging Pilot Inclusive Schools in the city of Ternate

To succeed the Pilot Inclusive School project in Ternate, the first step is to provide mainstreaming about the right of education for persons with disabilities to Ternate city government (education officials, BAPELITBANGDA, and primary school), the representatives of primary schools, persons with disabilities, and academics in Ternate city. The second step is to assist the education officials and the targeted pilot inclusive schools. Then the third one is, to train, assist, and mentor the organisations for persons with disabilities in the city of Ternate, related to the education rights advocacy for them.

Project Beneficiaries:

  • 30 People with disability
  • 9 staff of Education Department of Ternate
  • 30 Schools principle

Priority Development Area:

An inclusive society through effective governance           

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