Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Kok Bisa Academy – Learning sciences through content making workshops

04 Desember 2019

Kok Bisa Academy – Learning sciences through content making workshops

Project leader: Mr. Albizia Akbar

Level of education and university: Exchange Program, Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program

Collaborating Organisations: Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia

Project Location: Bandung, Jawa Barat

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Education and training

Project Rationale:

Kok Bisa Academy is created to empower the young science content creators in Indonesia. We believe that communicating science is important. We are living in a digital age where information flooded our everyday’s life. Hoaxes and fake news become the new danger, not to mention pornography contents and hate speeches on the internet. Moreover, Indonesia’s student ability is worrying. According to the PISA assessment in 2015, Indonesia is ranked 65 out of 68 countries in reading skill, mathematics, and science (PISA, 2015). That result tells us that there are a lot of problems with Indonesia’s literacy skills and education system.

We believe that the future would be far better if the Indonesian young generation could enhance their literacy skills. So, this series of workshops will transfer skills and capability to empower Indonesian youth so that they can create educational contents which later can make science consistently open and accessible to the public. In this activity, we will be working and collaborating with the local organization to empower science enthusiasts with storytelling skills which could help them to improve their ability to learn science while also empower them to create fun and quality content and engage more audiences/readers so that they could be interested in science.

Project Beneficiaries:

12 young writers and animators aged 18-25 from all over Indonesia. Their works will be published in Kok Bisa platform that has 1.4 millions subscribers

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society

Link with Australian organisation:

The Conversation Indonesia

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