30 Januari 2025
Mencapai Kesetaraan Gender dan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik: Alumni Australia Awards Mendorong Perubahan
The Australia Awards Short Course on Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming Implementation – Polic... Baca selengkapnya
The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia
22 Maret 2022
Indonesian human rights activists and civil society leaders have gathered last month in Bogor to discuss new ideas for initiatives to protect and promote the rights of vulnerable and marginalised people.
The meeting followed the Australia Awards Short Course on Human Rights Leadership to Influence Policy run virtually by the University of New South Wales in September and November last year.
The course developed their advocacy skills and tools to influence key policymakers and decision-makers. The group also explored how human rights organisations can work more strategically, think politically, and improve collaboration, coordination, and communication between programs, activists, organisations, and government agencies.
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