Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

11 April 2017

Strengthening Australia-Indonesia Maritime Economic Cooperation

Project Leader: I Gede Wahyu Wicaksana

University: The University of Western Australia

Lead Organisation: Universitas Airlangga

Project Location : All Indonesia 

Activity Type : Academic Research          

Sector : Law, legal and judicial systems

Project Objectives:

  • To provide analysis and recommendations useful for policy makers in Canberra and Jakarta, particularly DFAT, to establish a feasible framework of bilateral cooperation between Australia and Indonesia in the maritime economic sector
  • To provide knowledge about new areas of bilateral relationship between Australians and Indonesians for students, academics and the general public

Project Description:

Indonesia engages Australia in various multilateral forums to conduct the Global Maritime Axis (GMA) activities. Nevertheless, the relationship between Canberra and Jakarta undergoes ups and downs due to underlying mutual suspicions. This research project explores new ground on which Australia and Indonesia can enhance economic partnership in the context of Indonesian maritime development. The research will examine: What is Australia’s position with regards to the Indonesian focus on maritime economic policy? What are the implications of the dynamics of Canberra-Jakarta ties to Indonesia’s economic cooperation with Australia? What can the two nations do to strengthen future relations? The research project aims to provide analysis and policy recommendation useful for Australia and Indonesia in their collaborative effort to advance bilateral maritime economic development.

Project Beneficiaries:

The direct beneficiaries are academics are Universitas Airlangga who conduct the study and the policy makers in Canberra and Jakarta who receive the recommendations.

Priority Development Area:

An inclusive society through effective governance            

Links with Australia:

The research will be shared with policy makers in Canberra and Jakarta

Relevant Facts:

The action plan for Global Maritime Axis (GMA) consists of five priority agendas:

  1. Accelerating diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving Indonesia’s border issues, including land borders with ten neighbouring countries;
  2. Assuring the unity and integrity of the state’s maritime territories;
  3. Protecting natural resources within the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ);
  4. Intensifying defence diplomacy.; and,
  5. Reducing great-power rivalries and speeding up settlement for dispute over international maritime areas.

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