Australia Awards in Indonesia

Australia Awards adalah beasiswa dan studi singkat bergengsi yang bersifat transformatif, diberikan kepada para pemimpin masa depan untuk menempuh studi, penelitian, dan pengembangan profesional di Australia

29 Maret 2018

Facilitating Women Leaders to Draft Action Plan on Peacebuilding in Poso district

Project Leader: Mrs Sri Wiyanti Eddyono

University: Monash University

Collaborating Organisations: Semarak Cerlang Nusa, Consultancy, Reseach and Education for Social Transformation (SCN CREST)

Project Location: Sulawesi Tengah, Yogyakarta           

Activity Type : Training, workshop or seminar           

Sector :  Law, legal and judicial system, Political science and government, Decentralisation, Transnational crime prevention, and Women and Gender Studies

Project Objective :

To established Poso action plan through establihsing collaboration with women's leaders from different back grounds in Poso.

Project Description:

To create space for women leaders from various background to share their hope and to develop plan in maintaining peace and preventing extreme violence in Poso:
To facilitate the development of action plan for maintaining peace and countering extreme violence in Poso which involved women community leaders, women's religious leaders, women's NGOs, women's educater, governments and other stake holders.

Project Beneficiaries:

40 participant (women's leaders, women's religious leaders, women's NGO, women's academician and government) with regard to the framework for establishing action plan for preventing violence extremism and maintaining peace with gender perspective. These participant can contribute to the formulation of the area of concern, objective and program in district level in preventing violence extremism and maintaining peace.
Indirect benefeceries at least 200 women in community that has associated with NGOs (which involve in governments or developmentprogram of women's empowerment, 300 students in university, 500 women member of religious organisation, 50 government officers in district, subdistrict level and village levels.

Links with Australia:

Not Available


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