Australia Awards in Indonesia

Australia Awards adalah beasiswa dan studi singkat bergengsi yang bersifat transformatif, diberikan kepada para pemimpin masa depan untuk menempuh studi, penelitian, dan pengembangan profesional di Australia

Training and Mentoring Small Scale Fishermen in Ambon in Using Financial Log Book

08 Oktober 2018

Training and Mentoring Small Scale Fishermen in Ambon in Using Financial Log Book

Project Leader: Ms. Yolanda Apituley

University of Origin: The University of Western Sydney

Collaborating Organisations: Development of Inclusive Education in Ternate

Project Locations : Maluku    

Activity Type : Capacity building, mentoring or coaching

Sector : Small and medium enterprise development, Aquaculture/fisheries, Economics, Rural Growth Education and training, Human resources development

Project Rationale:

Maluku is well known as a Thousand Islands Province due to the abundance of fisheries resources in it. Fish and other fisheries resources have become local and national level income sources, however, the fishermen are still poor. Poverty which is due to many factors can lead people to feel helpless and unable to manage their daily lives. Many fishermen in Maluku are still small scale fishermen with limited income. They have small businesses and never record their business financial records and assess their viabilitiy.  Contrary to this financial records are very important, not only for a business and its decision making, but also for someone's daily life and family commitments. Through a neat financial record, a person is able to understand whether his or her business is profitable or not, and how much profit is gained. Regular financial recordings will also enable a person to develop good financial management, and indirectly provide an increasing economy and welfare of the family and even the community. In general, small-scale fishermen do not apply financial records in running their business, because they do not know how to and or are reluctant to do so. They are reluctant to think about complicated things, and just think if they gain profit, then their business can run and grow. They often rely on the ability to remember which is very limited. Record keeping can support reflective assessment and forward decision making and financial recording is sometimes needed when fishermen want to obtain additional capital from financial institutions such as Bank.  Capital obtained from the Bank can expand the business of small fishermen, through the purchase of boats or fishing gear, so the fishermen is then more empowered. Through this activity, small-scale fishermen will be taught the importance of business financial recording and are accompanied in recording and managing their finances.

Project Description:

The proposed project is training and mentoring small-scale fishermen in using financial log books. This project is proposed because generally small-scale fishermen never record their daily business' revenue and expense conditions, whereas the financial records can indicate their business position. In general, the small-scale fishermen assume if every day they could earn money from the sale of catching, then their business is still profitable. Whereas capture fisheries (including fish) are seasonal resources, which means when the fishermen go fishing, there is no guarantee that they will come home with fish. There are many times when the fishermen go fishing, and do not bring any  results for the family. Fishermen are generally consumptive, when they have a lot of money, then they will spend the money on things that are not really needed. And when they do not have money in the famine season, then they will borrow money from loan sharks and get into debt. Therefore, through financial records, fishermen are expected to plan their business finances, so they do not get trapped in debt and can even live better.

Project Beneficiaries:

Direct beneficiaries of this project is 100 small scale fishermen.

Priority Development Area:

Economic institutions and infrastructure       

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