Australia Awards in Indonesia

Australia Awards adalah beasiswa dan studi singkat bergengsi yang bersifat transformatif, diberikan kepada para pemimpin masa depan untuk menempuh studi, penelitian, dan pengembangan profesional di Australia

The Alumni Grant Scheme recipients are cheering and smiling

27 September 2022

Alumni Learn Effective Project Implementation in the Grant Orientation Workshop

The Alumni Grant Scheme (AGS) recipients, who receive seed funding on a competitive basis for their initiatives that create impact in the professional field, organisation and community, gathered for a two-day AGS orientation workshop last week before they kick off their projects.

The workshop’s goal was to provide grantees with the necessary skills and knowledge on effective grant management. The participants were first introduced to DFAT policies covering fraud awareness, child protection, gender and social inclusion. Later, they learned various topics from the Australia Awards in Indonesia team on financial management, communications guidelines, monitoring and evaluation plan, and project reporting.

To share best practices and create opportunities for collaboration, the follow-on grant recipients also discuss lessons they learned from their project implementation.

We wish our alumni all the best in implementing their projects!

Sri Novelma, a DFAT representative, is on the podium giving opening remarks to the AGS recipients

AGS workshop participants are enthusiastically raising their hands, trying to answer the quizzes.

An AGS recipient is discussing with the AGS team member over a laptop

A group photo of AGS recipients, DFAT and Ministry of State Secretariat representatives, and the AGS team taken in the workshop room


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