Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

04 Mei 2018

Tsunami Vulnerability Assessment in Mandurah (Western Australia)

Hermina Manlea
The University of Western Australia


A novel tsunami vulnerability assessment approach has been applied to two coastal areas in Western Australia (Mandurah and Wannanup) using the three tsunami scenarios modelled by Geoscience Australia. Five factors including buildings, population, socio-economics, environment and infrastructure (boat pen) defined by NERAG and SEMC Western Australia have been used to assess vulnerability factors in these locations. In these study areas, the majority of buildings are classified as moderately vulnerable (BRVI). The similar trend is found for people vulnerability (moderate PVI). Approximately, all mesh blocks have minor socio-economic vulnerability (SEVI). For environment vulnerability index (EVI) and boat pen vulnerability index (BPVI), one commercial mesh block in Mandurah is classified as highly vulnerable to a tsunami event. Overall, the Mandurah and Wannanup areas show minor levels of vulnerability to tsunami events. The results are spatially mapped and considered significant to depict the degree of exposure of these areas to the tsunamis and therefore have important implications to the development and improvement of coastal risk assessment in Western Australia.

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