14 Maret 2025
Bergabunglah dalam Diskusi Panel: Menembus Batas Perguruan Tinggi bagi Perempuan dengan Disabilitas Psikososial
In celebration of International Women’s Day 2025, Australia Awards Indonesia and Perhimpunan J... Baca selengkapnya
Australia Awards adalah beasiswa dan studi singkat bergengsi yang bersifat transformatif, diberikan kepada para pemimpin masa depan untuk menempuh studi, penelitian, dan pengembangan profesional di Australia
08 Mei 2018
Project Leader: Ms Trisna Mulyati
University: The University of Queensland
Collaborating Organisations: The Floating School Indonesia
Project Location: Aceh
Activity Type : Capacity building, mentoring or coaching
Sector : Rural growth, education and training, human resources development, and decentralisation
Project Objective :
To provide 40 young people in Pulo Aceh island including local youth with a constructive learning experience finding creative talents for six months in 12 meetings of workshop
To implement effective approach and innovative environment for youth in Pulo Aceh wanting to produce works in their chosen talent
To campaign sustainable, natural and interesting life at the island by the islanders themselves
To promote and connect the best of Pulo Aceh to the people in the main land (Banda Aceh city and other outsiders)
To help government accelerate the decentralisation (equal development) in these small islands around Aceh, particularly education.
Project Description:
The Floating School aims to serve young people in Pulo Aceh. It is a six months pilot project with experimental learning designed to teach participants some skills based on their passion and talent, such as art, literacy, and multimedia. The program will combine workshops with experts and enrich excursions to arts and culture institution and other destinations in Pulo Aceh.
During the early stage of the program, the participants will have an opportunity to experience all classes provided by the Floating School in Pulo Aceh. Then during the following weeks, the participants will choose a class that they want to focus on. In the end of the program, all the participants will demonstrate the cases and display their works through an organized exhibition in their island.
Project Beneficiaries:
40 young people in Pulo Aceh with a constructive learning experiences in a fun-creative environment.
500 people in Pulo Aceh will benefit from the local young people who can share their talents in various careers.
Priority Development Area:
Human development for a productive and healthy society
Links with Australia:
Not Available
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