Australia Awards in Indonesia

Australia Awards adalah beasiswa dan studi singkat bergengsi yang bersifat transformatif, diberikan kepada para pemimpin masa depan untuk menempuh studi, penelitian, dan pengembangan profesional di Australia

08 Mei 2018

Developing Nursing Care Plans in NTT

Project Leader: Margareta Teli

University: Nossal Institute Limited

Lead Organisation: Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Kupang

Collaborating Organisations: Nursing Association of Nusa Tenggara Timur (PPNI)

Project Location: Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)     

Activity Type: Capacity building, mentoring or coaching

Sector: Communicable Disease Prevention

Project Objectives:

  • To increase the capacity of nurses in NTT to deliver quality care to patients suffering from communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • To increase the capacity of the Nursing School in NTT to train nurses to develop a nursing care plan

Project Description:

Nurses are frontline health professional who ensure patients have good quality health care and correct treatment in health facilities. The Nursing Association has launched the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis. This project will help nurses to apply these concepts in NTT. It will train 30 nurses in developing a nursing care plan for 10 infectious diseases and 10 non-communicable diseases which are prevalent in NTT. The nurses will work in public health centres, nursing school, and nursing organisations. The project will deliver a training module for developing a nursing  care plan according to the standard set by the Indonesia Nursing Diagnosis Association (INDI), Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)  and Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC). The module can be used to train other nurses in community settings. Nurses who work according to the standard will improve the qualilty of care.

Project Beneficiaries:

  • 30 nurses will have increased knowledge and a nursing care plan
  • Public Health Centres will have a standard to take care prevalent diseases
  • The Nursing School will have a training module
  • Provincial/District Health Office will have compliance with the national standard
  • Patients will have better quality care

Priority Development Area: Human development for a productive and healthy society

Social Inclusion Priorities: Gender

Relevant Facts:

Nusa Tenggara Timur is a high incidence of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Among provinces in Indonesia, NTT is fifth for TB, third for malaria, second for leprae, and first overall for filariasis. The number of people in NTT with non-communicable diseases has increased dramatically in recent years. The prevalence of diabetes is nearly twice what it was 5 years ago, while the number of cancer patients had increased steadily over the same period. Hypertention and related diseases are the leading contributors to mortality in NTT. These alarming trends are all due to unhealthy life styles.

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