Australia Awards in Indonesia

Australia Awards adalah beasiswa dan studi singkat bergengsi yang bersifat transformatif, diberikan kepada para pemimpin masa depan untuk menempuh studi, penelitian, dan pengembangan profesional di Australia

08 Mei 2018

Alternative Livelihoods for a Changing Climate in West Nusa Tenggara

Project Leader: Adhitya Yusuf


Collaborating Organisations: Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia Nusa Tenggara Barat (PCMI NTB)

Project Location: Gili Trawangan, Nusa Tenggara Barat   

Activity Type : Training, workshops and seminars             

Sector :  Climate Change

Project Objective :

  • To deliver a five-day plastic recycling workshops to 20 women in Gili Trawangan Island, West Nusa Tenggara; and
  • To make recycled materials from local waste into new products that can be sold to visitors.

Project Description:

The project supports women on Gili Trawangan to create alternative and diversified income sources by selling recycled products made from local waste. The project is expected to increase the quality of life for participants through additional income, and to promote strong recycling habits and build awareness about environmental degradation amongst beneficiaries and the broader community. It will also help improve the visual amenity of the island by reducing the amount of plastic litter, thereby supporting the island’s important tourism industry.

The project will provide five-day workshops on the plastic recycling and product making process and provide new skills in utilising plastic waste in the creation of valuable new products. The recycling process will use plastic waste produced on the island, which will subsequently reduce waste management challenges and environmental pollution. The workshop includes waste education activities that can be employed to raise community awareness, and training in using recycling machinery and product manufacturing processes. The workshop will be concluded with an exhibition launch of the new products, to market and promote recycled goods.

PCMI NTB will support the project in the volunteer recruitment process and assistance in delivering workshops and exhibitions. As an organisation affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, PCMI NTB has more than 50 volunteers across the province. These volunteers will support the project by distributing information relating to volunteer recruitment

Climates will provide strategic planning support, project management assistance and guidance in monitoring and evaluation. Climates will provide access to its broader community of organisations and volunteers, enabling greater sharing of knowledge and resources for the benefit of project planning, funding, implementation and evaluation. Climates has experience and expertise working with local communities on community identified solutions both in-country and remotely from Australia. Through remote mentoring and communication, Climates will work with the project team to develop the long-term sustainability of this community-driven project.

Project Beneficiaries:

Direct Beneficiaries

  • 20 local women (traditional housewives)
  • 20 local youth of West Nusa Tenggara province

Indirect Beneficiaries

  • Approximately 80 people in 20 households across the community through increasing household income and recycling awareness

Increase recycling awareness for 800 island residents and about 750 tourists from the end of project exhibition

Priority Development Area:

Economic institutions and infrastructure  

Links with Australia:

Disaster Management Program, Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction (MAMPU), and  Towards a Strong and Prosperous Indonesian Society (MAHKOTA Indonesia)

Relevant Facts:

The people of Gili Trawangan produce approximately 10-15 tonnes of garbage per day. Also, limited recycling awareness and habits are evident at the provincial level.

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