Australia Awards in Indonesia

Australia Awards adalah beasiswa dan studi singkat bergengsi yang bersifat transformatif, diberikan kepada para pemimpin masa depan untuk menempuh studi, penelitian, dan pengembangan profesional di Australia

08 Mei 2018

Empowomen: Developing the Potential of Young Women in Lampung

Project Leader: Siti Fuadilla Alchumaira

University: Australia-Indonesia Youth Exhange Program

Collaborating Organisations: Sanak Lampung, Australian Embassy Jakarta

Project Location: Bandar Lampung, Lampung            

Activity Type : Training, workshops and seminars             

Sector :  Human resources development

Project Objective :

To empower young women in Lampung through capacity building activities as a strategy to promote women in participation and leadership roles in Lampung.

Project Description:

Empowomen, short for empower women, is designed to provide youth activities focusing on capacity building, project management, and team building in a four-month program for young women in Lampung. The selected young women who join this class are going to be involved in a youthful and supportive atmosphere for developing personal capacity, leadership, practicing social projects and experiencing professional networking.

Expertise from both Indonesia and Australia will be available for collaboration among the participants, communities and partners. During the four months, the participants will be provided with great chances to identify, share and develop their skills and knowledge. In post–program activities, the participants will implement their skills and knowledge into possible social projects in their communities under supervision.

This program will plan and organise a four-month program for young women in Lampung to develop their potential to contribute to society; offer a space for Australian Program Alumni to give back their privilege of study abroad to society; and create useful databank on research, study or information about related issues.

Project Beneficiaries:

20 selected young women in Lampung aged 20 – 25 years old. The participants are selected based on personal capacity and eligibility for social projects.

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society   

Links with Australia:

Australian Embassy Jakarta

Relevant Facts:

Only 15 out of 85 members of the Lampung legislative board are women, and only 6 of 43 youth communities in Lampung are led by women.

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