17 Januari 2025
Apply Now for the Split-Site Masters Scholarship Program in Economic and Public Policy
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The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia
07 Mei 2018
Project Leader: Walin Hartati
University: The University of Sydney
Collaborating Organisations: -
Project Location: Jakarta
Activity Type : Capacity building, mentoring or coaching
Sector : Law, legal and judicial system
Project Objective :
- To create a responsive counselling service for disabled women’s needs;
- To create cadres and enhancing capacity of 10-15 disabled women to counsel;
- To invite people and stakeholder engagement to support the process of effective, strategic, and inclusive service; and
- To use the project as the standard skill and expertise for information and disabled women’s counselling centre (PIK PDD), an implementation of Permen KPPPA No.23 year 2010 talking about guidelines for creating PIK PPD and Permen KPPPA no.7 year 2012 about SOP PIK PPD.
Project Description:
Training is provided for two months to give women the basic skills in counselling. After the training, the participants will be coordinated to become officers of information in a disabled women’s centre in collaboration with P2TP2A. The officers will go to the grassroots to practice counselling. The expectation is that the counselling mechanism will lead an arrangement of standardisation of counselling as well as documentation of disabled women. Advanced training will be run after learning case studies. As the experience continues, officers will summarise and create SOP together. Monitoring and evaluation will be conducted at the end of the program.
Project Beneficiaries:
- 10-15 women with physical, sensory, intellectual or mental disabilities to be the counselling officers; and
- HWDI of DKI Jakarta.
Priority Development Area:
An inclusive society through effective governance
Links with Australia:
Relevant Facts:
According to CATAHU Komnas Perempuan, 93% of disabled women experience violence.
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