Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

2.	Road to Indonesia Development Forum 2019: Imagine Session

25 Juli 2019

Road to Indonesia Development Forum 2019: Imagine Session

Researchers, policy minds, private sector and civil society representatives, as well as Australia Awards Scholarships alumni convened at Road to Indonesia Development Forum 2019 in Jakarta to explore skills and education policy development to be embedded on the supply side of the labour market to create workforce of the 21st century in Indonesia. In March, these scholars spent two weeks to study Labour Market Needs Forecasting for Education Policy short course at Griffith University, with the aim to push for reform particularly on the Vocational Education and Training system to be more driven by what the industries need to ensure a well-functioning and inclusive labour market in the future. At the workshop’s imagine session, participants also had the chance to hear talks from Professor Iyanatul (Yan) Islam, Co-Course Designer and Course Leader (Labour Market Analysis and Policy Development), Griffith University, and Victor Timothy, Co-founder of, a financial service provider that serves segment such as online merchants that have potential to expand their businesses. 

Check out their presentations here:

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