Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

18 March 2016

A Policy Framework for the Improvement of Healthcare Waste Management in Indonesia

Sri Irianti, July 2012
Griffith University

A study was carried out in 2010 to develop a suitable policy framework for sustainable healthcare waste management (HCWM) in Indonesia. It employed concurrent mixed methods, including quantitative and qualitative inquiries. The sample size was 237 general hospitals owned by central and local governments in Indonesia and a large hospital in Queensland, Australia, was studied for observable best practice of HCWM. IBM SPSS 19 and 20 were used to obtain descriptive and inferential statistics, whereas, qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The inferential statistics applied multivariate logistic and linear regression analyses. The study revealed that the determinants of general waste generation were: the number of inpatients, the number of outpatients and location of hospitals. Moreover, the determinants of medical waste production were: the number of inpatients, the number of outpatients, and the availability of routine budgets for HCWM. The determinants of compliance with waste segregation at source were: availability of routine budgets, availability of waste management plans, availability of central policy and availability of hospital manager guidelines. The determinants of compliance with the colour coding system were: availability of a waste management unit, availability of SOPs, class of hospital, and location of hospitals. The study suggested that all the determinants of HCWM revealed should be used to develop appropriate policy framework for the improvement of HCWM in Indonesia.

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