Scholarship Entitlement
Postgraduate scholars will receive the following entitlements and benefits:
- Prior to departure to Australia:
- Pre-departure Training (PDT)
- Visa costs and medical checks
- Return economy class flights to the PDT venue from the nearest regional centre
- Stipend while attending PDT in Indonesia
- Facilitation during application, placement, and departure
- Disability Inclusive Support (reasonable accommodations) for scholars with disability
- While in Australia:
- Return economy class flights to and from Australia from the nearest regional center, at the beginning and the end of study program
- Introductory Academic Program (IAP)
- Establishment allowance
- Stipend while studying in Australia
- Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
- Tutorial assistance
- Book allowance
- On award enrichment activities
- International competition allowance
- International journal allowance
- Eligibility to apply for the AAI Alison Sudradjat Prize
- Receive scholars and alumni newsletter
- Fieldwork support/research allowance
- Support from university-based Australia Awards Student Contact Officers (SCOs)
- Reunion airfare at the end of the first year (for scholars who are undertaking a full two-year study program)
- Disability Inclusive Support (reasonable accommodations and adjustments) for scholars with disability
- Upon return to Indonesia:
- Membership of the Australian Global Alumni network
- Membership of the LPDP alumni network
- Inclusion in the Australia-Indonesia Alumni Forum on LinkedIn
- Participate in alumni professional development and networking activities run by LPDP or Australia Awards in Indonesia
- Eligibility to apply for the Australian Alumni Grants
- Receive scholars and alumni e-newsletters