Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Australia Awards scholars from Indonesia celebrate their graduation.
Australia Awards scholars from Indonesia celebrate their graduation.

Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders from developing countries for study, research and professional development in Australia and the region so they can return home and contribute to their nations’ development, prosperity and resilience. The program has been an important component of the Australian Government’s overseas aid program since the Colombo Plan in the 1950s.

Australia Awards in Indonesia is the longest-running foreign scholarship program in Indonesia. For over seventy years, Australia has partnered with Indonesia to invest in human capital development, respond to social and economic development priorities, and create and maintain enduring ties between Australia and Indonesia.

Australia Awards in Indonesia offers a prestigious scholarship scheme to Indonesians from diverse backgrounds covering a range of awards, including PhDMasters (including Australia Awards Indonesia Nusantara Scholarships and LPDP-Australia Awards Scholarships), Split-Site Masters and Short Courses. Australia Awards in Indonesia also supports a range of enrichment and networking activities designed to enhance the experience of scholars and contribute to their professional development before, during and after their study in Australia. The program has an active focus on diversity and inclusion through a whole-of-program approach to gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI).

Successful graduates become part of the Australia Global and Indonesia alumni network. This vast and actively supported community of influential alumni now includes more than 13,000 Australia Awards alumni from Indonesia and more than 200,000 Indonesian alumni who have studied in Australian tertiary education institutions. Many of these diverse alumni have later taken up leadership positions and become change agents and contributed to Indonesia’s inclusive and sustainable development and cooperation between Indonesia and Australia. Learn more about their success stories here.

Why apply for the Australia Awards Scholarships and Short Courses?

  • PhD and Masters Awards allow scholars to study at the postgraduate level (Masters and PhD) at their choice of an Australian university.
  • Split-Site Masters Program (SSMP) involves 12 months of study at an Indonesian university, followed by 12 months at an Australian university, leading to awarding of two masters degrees in one related field of study.
  • Support begins with Pre-Departure Training in Indonesia and an Introductory Academic Program in Australia for the PhD Awards, Masters Awards and Split-Site Masters scholars.
  • Tuition fees, living expenses, return flights to Australia and reunion airfares are provided for the scholars.
  • Short Courses are tailored for the mid-career professionals and senior officials from organisations working in sectors identified as priority fields for bilateral policy cooperation.
  • Support is provided for the equal participation of women from disadvantaged backgrounds, people with disability and people from the equity target provinces.

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