Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

24 January 2018

Experience of Indonesian Pre-Service English As Foreign Language Teachers in Implementing Technology in Teaching Practicum: An Investigation Through Tpack Framework

Effendi Limbong
Flinders University


The increasing presence of ICT in foreign learning education brings question to mind about pre-service teachers’ preparedness to integrate ICT in a pedagogically sound ways into EFL classrooms.  This study investigates the experiences of pre-service teachers (PSTs) of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia in implementing technology in their teaching practice through the use of the Technological Pedagogical   Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. Qualitative methodology was used in gathering data through the use of interviews and observations. The first interview was conducted with ten PSTs after they had taught a few English lessons. Only six of the ten interviewed PSTs consented to being observed during their teaching practice. At the end of their teaching practicum these six PSTs were interviewed a second time in order to obtain a deeper understanding of what was observed during the teaching practice.

This study found that the Indonesian PSTs faced several challenges in using technology in their EFL teaching practicum, such as the unavailability and/or inaccessibility of technology, poor installation of educational technology equipment, the lack of technical support, poor classroom settings, and poor supervision and guidance provided by their supervisors during the lesson planning phase and implementing phase.

As a consequence, the PSTs experienced some challenges when they tried to connect what they teach (content knowledge), how to teach (pedagogical knowledge) and what technology to use and why (technological knowledge) in their teaching practice, although they had already completed the three technology courses in the university program.

The PSTs expressed views about how these challenges could be overcome. Firstly, the teaching practicum placements or schools should provide advanced or at least adequate technological hardware and software, especially in the classrooms. Secondly, the PSTs felt that the English teachers should supervise and model the integration of technology into English lessons in more detail. They also believed that the school principals should evaluate the supervisors’ performance during the PSTs’ teaching practice. They have indicated that this would substantially improve their experience and learning.

In addition, the PSTs also believed that some changes in their training course at university were necessary in order to better prepare them to integrate technology into teaching EFL (TEFL). For example, advanced technological hardware and software should be provided, the content of the computer courses should be improved, integration of computer courses into EFL teaching should be modelled, for example guided by the TPACK framework, lecturers competent in advanced computer knowledge should be appointed to teach computer courses.

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