Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia


Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI) grants support personal development and networking opportunities for AAI scholars and alumni. Grants are provided for discrete activities that support alumni to: 

  • apply new knowledge and skills within their organisations and professions
  • strengthen and leverage their networks
  • take up leadership opportunities and empower others to lead
  • strengthen their connections with Australia
  • collaborate with one another 

Types of Grants

Three types of grants are available:

  • Australian Alumni Grants (AAG), for all Indonesian nationals who have graduated from an Australian education institution, completed a short-term tertiary course, or participated in an Australian government-hosted program. Apply here.
  • Allison Sudradjat Prize (ASP), a grant for AAI Masters scholars currently studying in Australia or those who have been awarded the AAI Nusantara Scholarships. Apply here.
  • Hadi Soesastro Prize (HSP), a grant for AAI PhD scholars currently studying in Australia. Apply here.

Schedule for Grants Application 2024

  • Round 1: May 2024
  • Round 2: December 2024

If you have any questions about AAI Grants, please contact us at and use the subject line: “Queries – AAI Grants” or please check our recorded webinar and Q&A here. 


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