Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Australia Awards scholar from Indonesia Rinaldo Sarwono taking the surf at Seven Mile Beach, Gerringong, NSW

31 July 2018

Rinaldo Sarwono takes to the waves

‘In the soup’, ‘point break’ and ‘over the falls’ are terms that may not be immediately clear to many Australia Awards scholars from Indonesia, but for Rinaldo Sarwono a Master of Engineering Science student who has just completed his studies at UNSW, these terms are common-day speak amongst his fellow surfers whom he would meet on a weekly basis while living in Sydney.  Rinaldo a keen believer in the benefit of getting involved in activities outside university life, participated in a range of activities that enriched his time in Australia.   Other than surfing, Rinaldo was also a participant in the Australia Awards in Indonesia and Asia Education Foundation ILLA (Indonesian Language Learning Ambassadors) program, where he was partnered with St Mary Star of the Sea College in Wollongong to volunteer his time assisting Indonesian language teacher Jodi Harris.  He said, “I thoroughly enjoyed my time living in Sydney and what you get out of your time in Australia is what you put into it, so embrace all those opportunities that come your way as an Australia Awards scholar”.  Rinaldo will return to Indonesia in August 2018 where he will resume his career in Engineering within the private sector.

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