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29 November 2022

Join Our Online Lecture on “Framework for Building Disability-Friendly Digital Solutions”

Are you keen on learning about digitalisation that helps people with a disability? Join our online lecture on Friday, 9 December, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Jakarta time and gain insight into the topic with Prof Dr Shanton Chang from the University of Melbourne.

As the digitalisation of human endeavours continues to escalate, more social, governmental, and commercial activities are being moved online than ever before. This is especially the case with the pandemic. Due to the speed of digitalisation, such digital solutions may not always consider the needs of the diversity of their users' experiences, needs and expectations. In particular, the needs of the diffable community are not always factored in. 

The University of Melbourne has developed a framework to help organisations engage with the diffable community to co-design digital solutions that are more disability friendly. In his presentation, Prof Dr Shanton Chang will highlight the framework, which was developed in conjunction with diffable community NGOs in Makassar and encourage more organisations to use it as they build new digital solutions.

The e-certificate for participation is available. If you are interested in attending this event, RSVP by 7 December at this link. Click here for more information about the online lecture and Prof Dr Shanton Chang.

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