Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

29 August 2023

Australia Awards Post-Course Workshop on Leadership for Youth Women Interfaith Leaders

It was delightful to witness the collaboration of youth representatives from faith-based organisations, university staff, community leaders, and government representatives from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Komnas Perempuan, at a recent post-course workshop organised as part of the Australia Awards Short Course on Leadership for Youth Women Interfaith Leaders.

Held in Sanur, Bali, from 4-6 July, this event provided a platform for course participants to present their projects and suggest inventive concepts to enhance economic, social, and cultural progress within their organisations and the broader community. Additionally, it aimed to foster nationwide connections for these future women leaders.

During the Post-Course, participants showcased their projects and engaged in an Alumni Sharing Session featuring Australian alumna Fransiska Eva Lidya Natalia (Community Engagement & Program Coordinator of Jaringan Ekowisata Desa).

The participants of this workshop previously attended the Australia Awards Short Course on Leadership for Youth Interfaith Women Leaders in March 2023, implemented by Deakin University.

Warmest congratulations on the successful course completion, marking their status as the Australia Awards alumni! Our sincerest well-wishes accompany them as they venture into forthcoming endeavours.

Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh, the Course Leader, shares his reflections on the in-Australia course.
Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh, the Course Leader, shares his reflections on the in-Australia course.
Jennifer Astin Septiana, a participant in the Short Course, shares the insights and thoughts she gained from the program.
Jennifer Astin Septiana, a participant in the Short Course, shares the insights and thoughts she gained from the program.
Fransiska Eva Lidya Natalia (Community Engagement & Program Coordinator of Jaringan Ekowisata Desa) participates in knowledge sharing session,  moderated by Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh.
Fransiska Eva Lidya Natalia (Community Engagement & Program Coordinator of Jaringan Ekowisata Desa) participates in knowledge sharing session,  moderated by Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh.
A group picture of some participants of this short course.
A group picture of some participants of this short course.
The participants visit the Women’s Legal Aid Organisation Association for Justice (LBH Apik) office in Bali.
The participants visit the Women’s Legal Aid Organisation Association for Justice (LBH Apik) office in Bali.
A unified moment is captured: participants, committees, course leaders, and facilitators come together for a group photo.
A unified moment is captured: participants, committees, course leaders, and facilitators come together for a group photo.


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