Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

19 June 2024

The Aussie Banget Roadshow Brings Australia to Indonesian Universities

Australia Awards in Indonesia recently teamed up with the Australian Embassy and the Consulate-General in Surabaya to deliver the Aussie Banget Roadshow at several Indonesian universities: Binus University (Jakarta), Institut Teknologi Bandung (West Java), Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret (Central Java), Universitas Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta), and Universitas Negeri Padang (West Sumatera).

During the events, the Australia Awards in Indonesia team provided valuable information about studying at Australian higher education institutions and highlighted the Australia Awards Scholarships and Short Courses through information sessions and interactive booths. Students also participated in an engaging Wheel of Fortune game, testing their knowledge of Australia for a chance to win special prizes.

A permanent feature at these universities, the Aussie Banget Corner (ABC) offers students access to Australian books, resources, and information about Australia and scholarship opportunities, including the Australia Awards Scholarships and Short Courses. This roadshow underscores the Embassy and Consulate-General’s ongoing commitment to promoting educational and cultural exchange between Australia and Indonesia.

We were delighted to meet and connect with all the students during this roadshow.

Ambassador Penny Williams PSM gives opening remarks during the opening of the Aussie Banget Corner at Universitas Negeri Padang.
Ambassador Penny Williams PSM gives opening remarks during the opening of the Aussie Banget Corner at Universitas Negeri Padang (photo courtesy of the Australian Embassy in Indonesia).
The Australia Awards in Indonesia team interacts with students from Binus University.
The Australia Awards in Indonesia team interacts with students from Binus University.
Students from Institut Teknologi Bandung proudly display the brochure they received from the Australia Awards in Indonesia booth during the ABC Roadshow in Bandung.
Students from Institut Teknologi Bandung proudly display the brochure they received from the Australia Awards in Indonesia booth during the ABC Roadshow in Bandung.
Students eagerly inquire about the Australia Awards Scholarships and Short Courses during the ABC Roadshow at UNS, Surakarta.
Students eagerly inquire about the Australia Awards Scholarships and Short Courses during the ABC Roadshow at UNS, Surakarta.
Tim Stapleton, the Minister-Counsellor Economic at the Australian Embassy, is pictured alongside Fina Itriyati, Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Community Service, and Alumni Affairs at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, during the opening ceremony of the ABC at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Tim Stapleton, the Minister-Counsellor Economic at the Australian Embassy, is pictured alongside Fina Itriyati, Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Community Service, and Alumni Affairs at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, during the opening ceremony of the ABC at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Students from Universitas Negeri Padang joyfully pose for a group photo, proudly displaying the merchandise they won from participating in a Wheel of Fortune quiz at the Australia Awards in Indonesia booth.
Students from Universitas Negeri Padang joyfully pose for a group photo, proudly displaying the merchandise they won from participating in a Wheel of Fortune quiz at the Australia Awards in Indonesia booth.


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