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The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia
01 January 2014
Alumni Grant Scheme Round 1 (2014)
Here are the past projects of Australia Awards Indonesia Alumni Grant Scheme Round 1 in 2014:
Si Luh Nyoman Alit Nuryani
Type of Award: Australian Development Scholarship
Organisation of Applicant: RSUP Sanglah Public Hospital, Denpasar, Bali
Project Title: Improving research capacity in key health personnel
Project's Thematic Area: Health
Individual vs Group Project: Group
Group Members:
AAI Alumni
Ms Putu Ayu Indrayathi; Ms Ayu Henny Kusumayanthi; Ms Ni Luh Putu Suaryani; Ms Komang Ayu Mustriwati
Non Alumni
Prof Sandra Dunn; Prof Diane Brown
Project Summary
This project aims to develop a program of research that will assist participants to become eligible to apply for PhD programs within both Indonesia and Australia. Key staff from Sanglah Hospital and key academics from Udayana University will participate in a workshop run by Prof. Sandra Dunn, School of Health Charles Darwin University. The goal is to build research capacity (so as to improve health care outcomes) and to develop a longer term relationship between key participants in Bali and staff of CDU.
Rina Kurniasri Kusumaratna
Type of Award: Australia Awards Endeavour Awards
Organisation of Applicant: Trisakti University, Greater Jakarta
Project Title: Development of Elderly Health Care in Tarakan City - Indonesia
Project's Thematic Area: Health
Individual vs Group Project: Individual
Project Summary
Number of elderly in Indonesia is increasing considering the increase in life span due to decreased mortality at early ages. This proposed project is to help Tarakan city health department to utilize the training and implement the plans, and focusses on on-the-job support and links with the community to promote more elderly receiving adequate care.
Roby Arya Brata
Type of Award: Australian Development Scholarship
Organisation of Applicant: Faculty of Social and Political Science The University of Djuanda
Project Title: Combating Institutional Corruption in a Democratic Transition State: The Case of Indonesia
Project's Thematic Area: Bureaucracy Reform
Individual vs Group Project: Individual
Project Summary
The research project will be focused on comparatively studying and examining the causes and consequences of institutional corruption affecting the reforming of the three different branches or institutions of the Indonesia government: the legislature, the judiciary, and the executive. So far the reform governments have adopted some measures to democratize and reform these three pillars of government. However, as the reform indicators have shown, the government has been perceived as corrupt, distrusted and ineffective in making and delivering public policies. The study will recommend theoretical and policy solutions to prevent and remedy institutional corruption in Indonesia democratic and political governance.
Rahayu Yoseph-Paulus
Type of Award: Australian Development Scholarship
Organisation of Applicant: BAPPEDA of Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi
Project Title: Two paper presentations: "Perspective of planners on adaptation to climate change in Indonesia" and "Capacity development for local planners for climate change adaptation policy development" at the 6th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation 8-10 June 2015, Bonn, Germany"
Project's Thematic Area: Bureaucracy Reform
Individual vs Group Project: Individual
Project Summary
The papers will share the findings on understanding knowledge, perceptions that local planners at city, regional, and provincial levels have regarding climate change adaptation (CCA) in Indonesia, derived from the perspectives and insights of 26 local planners who work for local governments from 7 coastal cities: Baubau, Banda Aceh, Padang, Bantul/Yogjakarta, Mataram, Palu, and Jayapura. It investigated their perceptions of climate change impacts on local communities; the level of CCA policy development; the extent of CCA mainstreaming in the development agendas of local governments; the level of planning for CCA; local planner capacity development and the perceptions on functional title for planners to enhance capacity building.
Reini Wirahadikusumah
Type of Award: Australia Awards Endeavour Awards
Organisation of Applicant: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Bandung, West Java
Project Title: Performance-Based Contract for Road Maintenance-Learning from Australia
Project's Thematic Area: Infrastructure
Individual vs Group Project: Individual
Project Summary
The use of performance-based contracting (PBC) on roads has gained popularity world-wide because of the long-term relationship between an owner and a contractor, the implementation of this method will provide additional benefits for the government/public. The use of PBC on Indonesian roads has just recently been introduced via two pilot projects initiated by the Directorate General of Bina Marga, Ministry of Public Works (PW) of Indonesia. Lessons learned from Australia experiences will be acquired through discussions with experts and academics. The results will be disseminated in a conference (co-authored with Australian counterpart), incorporated in contract administration course at ITB, and recommended to the Ministry of PW.
Marlisa W Soepeno
Type of Award: Australian Development Scholarship
Organisation of Applicant: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta
Project Title: MINT (Makassar Interpreter Training Initiative)
Project's Thematic Area: Education
Individual vs Group Project: Group
Group Members:
AAI Alumni
Saifuddin Suaib (ARG Member)
Project Summary
This project aims to enhance the capacity of interpreters in the Eastern part of Indonesia. This project will select qualified interpreters in Makassar and surrounding area to be trained in intensive training activities to provide them with sufficient qualifications of consecutive and simultaneous interpretations. The goals are not only to strengthen the capacity of local-based interpreters, but also open more job opportunities and increase the market competitiveness of interpreters in Makassar and surrounding areas.
Sudi Mungkasi
Type of Award: Australian Partnership Scholarships
Organisation of Applicant: Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta
Project Title: International Conference on Science and Educaiton: ANUGA software for flood mitigation in Indonesia
Project's Thematic Area: Infrastructure
Individual vs Group Project: Group
Group Members:
AAI Alumni
Dr Hartono Hartono; Dr Tarsisius Sarkim
Project Summary
The project is an international conference with two Australian experts as the main speakers: Prof Stephen Roberts and Prof Markus Hegland, from Australian National University. Its theme is using ANUGA software for flood mitigation in Indonesia. ANUGA is a software developed by Australian National University (ANU) and Geoscience Australia (GA) for flood simulations. Indonesia, with Jakarta as the capital, is prone to flooding. Therefore, this ANUGA technology and/or knowledge from Australia will be helpful for Indonesia.
Edwin Widodo
Type of Award: Australian Development Scholarship
Organisation of Applicant: University of Brawijaya, Malang, East Java
Project Title: Roadmap towards implementing international standard of National Health Insurance in Indonesia
Project's Thematic Area: Health
Individual vs Group Project: Group
Group Members:
AAI Alumni & ARG Health Team
Ms Grace Monica Halim; Ms Susy Katikana Sebayang; Ms Mutiara Tirta Prabandari Lintang Kusuma; Ms Olivia Amelia Waworuntu; Ms Desak Ketut Ernawati; Ms Ralalicia Limato; Ms Rizanna Rosemary; Ms Inge Damanti Irawan; Ms Wahyu Nawang Wulan; Ms Siluh Nyoman Alit Nuryani; Ms Vinci Mizranita; Ms Ratna Linarto; Ms Roosmalawati Rusman; Mr Sudirman Nasir; Ms Martina Sinta Kristanti
Project Summary
Health insurance at national level has become a trend in our society. Indonesian government is trying to widen the scope of national health insurance not only to limited number of people and diseases. With the current changes of integrating many different health insurance into a single national health insurance is not an easy task. Australian alumni have more experience in national health insurance at international levels. Thus can also contribute their knowledge and experience of international standard of national health insurance implementation. This activity (workshop) will be a collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) to disseminate the current information of new national health scheme.
Dafri Agussalim
Type of Award: Australia Awards Endeavour Awards
Organisation of Applicant: University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Project Title: Convention of Australian Studies
Project's Thematic Area: Education
Individual vs Group Project: Group
Group Members:
Non Alumni
Ms Atin Prabandari; Mr Hangga Fathana
Project Summary
The aim of this project is to provide a forum for Indonesian lecturers on Australian Politics and Government and/or Australian Foreign Policy to increase knowledge and skills by sharing and exchange knowledge and experiences in syllabus and teaching method development. This project is a part of long term project to develop Australian studies in Indonesia.
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