19 April 2018
Alfonsa Horeng: Weaving the Future to Preserve Indonesia’s Ancient Textile Tradition
Winner of the 2018 Promoting Women’s Empowerment Award For weaver and entrepreneur Alfonsa... Read more
The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia
16 January 2017
Australia Awards is seeking applications from candidates in the cattle industry with managerial and leadership skills who would like to develop their knowledge and skills in animal husbandry and cattle production through attending a six-week short course in Australia in March through April 2017.
This course aims to increase the long-term sustainability, productivity, and competitiveness of the Indonesian cattle sector through training and an exchange of expertise. The scholarship is open to both men and women. People with disability are encouraged to apply.
Send in your application before 5 February 2017. For application form and further information, please see https://www.australiaawardsindonesia.org/content/134/13/applicant-section?sub=true.
Pembukaan Pendaftaran: Beasiswa Studi Singkat Peternakan dan Produksi Ternak
Australia Awards tengah membuka pendaftaran beasiswa bagi para calon kandidat dari industri peternakan dengan keahlian manajemen dan kepemimpinan yang berhasrat untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keahlian mereka dalam bidang peternakan dan produksi ternak. Studi singkat ini akan dilakasanakan selama enam minggu di Australia pada bulan Maret hingga April 2017.
Studi singkat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesinambungan jangka panjang, produktifitas, serta daya saing sektor peternakan Indonesia melalui pelatihan dan pertukaran keahlian. Beasiswa ini terbuka baik bagi pria maupun wanita. Calon kandidat difabel didorong untuk turut mendaftar.
Kirimkan pendaftaran Anda sebelum 5 Februari 2017. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan untuk mendaftar, silakan kunjungi tautan berikut ini: https://www.australiaawardsindonesia.org/content/134/13/applicant-section?sub=true
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