Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Digital Story Production of Artists with Special Needs (Special Artists)

25 Aug 2020

Digital Story Production of Artists with Special Needs (Special Artists)

Project leader: Mr. Fendi Widianto

Level of education and university: Master, University of Queensland

Collaborating Organisations: DECODE from Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics Gadjah Mada University

Project Location: DI Yogyakarta

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Disability Services

Project Rationale:

Art has long been researched as a process to facilitate the teaching and learning of students with special needs. Art can assist the learning process to be more dynamic and inclusive as well as increase the participation of students, particularly those with special needs. In Indonesia, this method has been implemented in special education schools (Sekolah Luar Biasa or SLB). However, the segregation between regular students and those with special needs has prevented the learning process from being more inclusive and insightful. The teaching approach used in SLB is also very standardised, meaning it can neglect the contextual ability of each student. Apart from that, the limited personal development possibilities after students graduate from SLB also becomes an issue. After they graduate, most students with special needs will stay at home to be cared for on a daily basis. This issue becomes more complex given that most of them come from a low socio-economic background. To address this, Cindarsatio (Cindar) Damarhapsoro, an Australia Awards alumnus in Inclusive and Special Education from Monash University, has introduced a more inclusive and participatory learning method for students with special needs through arts training and workshops. Cindar was a teacher for students with special needs in a special school in Yogyakarta, Indonesia for more than seven years before he decided to start his own project. In early 2019, Cindar initiated an inclusive atelier or art studio for students with special needs called Sanggar Pok Ame-Ame. Cindar utilises his understanding in inclusive and special education to teach using a method that allows the learning process to be more personalised and based on the students’ needs especially related to the artistic and creative process.

Project Beneficiaries:

Students with special needs

Priority Development Area:

An inclusive society through effective governance

Link with Australian organisation: 

The University of Queensland

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