Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia; Mainstreaming Millennial Generation through Optimising Website-based Digital Media for a Disabilities Inclusivity Campaign

25 Aug 2020; Mainstreaming Millennial Generation through Optimising Website-based Digital Media for a Disabilities Inclusivity Campaign

Project leader: Mr. Mukhanif Yasin Yusup

Level of education and university: Non Degree, University of Sydney

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Location: Jawa Tengah

Activity Type: Public awareness campaign

Sector: Disability Services

Project Rationale:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution positions digital media as a key platform. When talking about the long-term future, we are then talking about the millennial generation. Considering both factors asserts the importance of using digital media in campaigning for disability issues to millennial groups, as well as boosting their participation. This is why I established Thus far there are no other digital media platforms that campaign on disability issues with a main focus on millennials. Upon reflection, it is now time to have a digital media platform that campaigns on disabilities issues that millennial groups as well as long-term targets. Indirectly, this is relevant to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Project Beneficiaries:

Competition: 200 participants

Seminar: 150 participants

Priority Development Area:

An inclusive society through effective governance

Link with Australian organisation: -

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