Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Women, Mosques, and Islamic Moderation: Strengthening Muballighah as a Pioneer in the Internalisation of the Values of Islam Rahmatan lil Alamin and Gender Justice in the Mosque

25 Aug 2020

Women, Mosques, and Islamic Moderation: Strengthening Muballighah as a Pioneer in the Internalisation of the Values of Islam Rahmatan lil Alamin and Gender Justice in the Mosque

Project leader: Mrs. Iklilah Muzayyanah Dini Fajriyah

Level of education and university: Non Degree, Deakin University

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Location: Jawa Barat; DKI Jakarta

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Women and Gender Studies

Project Rationale:

The program we propose is a continuation of a partial project from the Senior Multifaith Women Leaders 2019 Australia Award Program in Indonesia. This program is based on problems arising among the Muballighah (women preachers) that unconsciously have begun to be influenced by understandings and thoughts that tend to be conservative, intolerant and gender biased. The preachers teach these conservative and intolerant ideas and thoughts in religious education activities they have, such as routine religious activity, studies, and lectures at certain events. Besides socialising intolerant discourse, they also unconsciously socialise and strengthen gender biased religious understanding, quite often being misogynistic. Women are commonly described as not decision makers, not leaders, and women do not have equal rights of guardianship as men.

This conservative and gender biased religious socialisation encourages intolerant attitudes and perspectives in daily activities, to Muballighah, their worshippers and family of the worshippers. Meanwhile, Muballighah are members of mosque organisations that are the fostered members of the Indonesian Mosque Council, which includes thousands of mosques. This anxiety was conveyed by the leader of the implementing section of our organisation, Korp Muballighah, at the Indonesian Mosque Council conference.

Project Beneficiaries:

20 Muballighah (woman religious preachers) of the Muballigh-Muballighah of the Indonesian Mosque Council

Priority Development Area:

An inclusive society through effective governance

Link with Australian organisation: -

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