Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Building Sustainable Fashion Industry Ecosystem that Meets International Standards

25 Aug 2020

Building Sustainable Fashion Industry Ecosystem that Meets International Standards

Project leader: Ms. Istofani Api Diany

Level of education and university: Non Degree, Flinders University

Collaborating Organisations: Fashion Designer Community (APPMI, Indonesia Fashion Chamber, Indonesia Fashion Designer), Komunitas Jahit/Konveksi Jogja

Project Location: DI Yogyakarta

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Small and medium enterprise development

Project Rationale:

Yogyakarta currently has no trade relationship with Australia for apparel, according to Central Bureau of Statistics data, and a very small relationship with other international markets. This may be due to the lack of knowledge about demand, the market and the standards to enter international markets. This project will reduce the gap between the fashion business community in Yogyakarta and Australian and international markets.

Project Beneficiaries:

100 fashion designers, and 200 clothing manufacturers

Priority Development Area:

Economic institutions and infrastructure

Link with Australian organisation: 

Australian Fashion Council

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