Australia Awards in Indonesia

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Resources Mobilisation Application for Crisis Management

25 Aug 2020

Resources Mobilisation Application for Crisis Management

Project leader: Ms. Aminingrum

Level of education and university: Non Degree, University of Queensland

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Location: DKI Jakarta; Nusa Tenggara Barat; Sulawesi Tengah

Activity Type: Knowledge and technology transfer

Sector: Disaster Prevention and Management

Project Rationale:

During crises, many humanitarian actors and many resources arrive in an affected area. The local government establishes an Incident Command Post to coordinate with humanitarian groups and to manage the incident action plan. Dfficulties come from strategies to mobilise the most needed resources.

Even if the disaster paradigm has been changed from responsive to preventive, during a rapid-onset disaster the Incident Command System is a crucial issue. Many local governments are not yet ready to face these unpredictable times. Disaster devastates the affected area, destroys critical infrastructure, and creates calamities for citizens. Governments and NGOs have to think faster to relieve the suffering. Inexperience with crisis creates a burden on faster assistance. Crisis management capacity should be increased for better planning of resource mobilisation.

Indonesia had been struck several times by rapid onset disasters like earthquakes, tsunami, and floods. In spite of that, crisis management needed to be enhanced to deliver assistance faster and reach the vulnerable.

Project Beneficiaries:

BNPB district level

Priority Development Area:

Economic institutions and infrastructure

Link with Australian organisation: -

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