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Economic Empowerment of Women's Groups through the Cultivation of Fresh and Healthy Vegetables with Hydroponic Techniques in Soya, Ambon

25 Aug 2020

Economic Empowerment of Women's Groups through the Cultivation of Fresh and Healthy Vegetables with Hydroponic Techniques in Soya, Ambon

Project leader: Mrs. Johanna Audrey Leatemia

Level of education and university: Non Degree, Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs, Workplace Relation

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Location: Maluku

Activity Type: Capacity building, mentoring or coaching

Sector: Small and medium enterprise development, Agriculture

Project Rationale:

The need for fresh and healthy vegetables for public consumption in Ambon city is increasing. The community in Soya village, especially women, has started to grow vegetables in their back and/or front yards. Hydroponic systems can be one solution for the development of vegetable crops with various advantages compared to conventional farming systems, including the ability to fit into a small piece of land such as a yard. Soya village is one of the traditional villages located in Sirimau Subdistrict, Ambon City and is very close (3km) to downtown. Some women’s community groups called "Dasa Wisma" in Soya village have simple hydroponic (water culture) systems on a small scale, containing 20 - 25 plant holes.

The women in the community groups are very active and enthusiastic about developing vegetable cultivation with better mid-sized hydroponic systems, so the produce is not only for the consumption of family members but can also be developed into a small to medium enterprise of the groups. This project will help the women’s groups to improve their knowledge and skills in producing fresh and healthy vegetables through a medium-scale hydroponic system which combines Nutrient Film Techniques (NFT) and Deep Flow Techniques (DFT) with one set consisting of 250 plant holes. This project should be developed to a small to medium enterprise for these community groups, and improve their knowledge and skills in agribusiness management. Therefore this project will strengthen the capacity of women’s community groups to become productive economic groups.

Project Beneficiaries:

The direct beneficiaries are 40 women (2 women communities groups)

Priority Development Area:

Economic institutions and infrastructure

Link with Australian organisation: -

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