Australia Awards in Indonesia

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Promoting Tsunami Evacuation Lane by Serious Games

25 Aug 2020

Promoting Tsunami Evacuation Lane by Serious Games

Project leader: Mrs. Yunita Idris

Level of education and university: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Adelaide

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Location: Aceh

Activity Type: Public awareness campaign

Sector: Disaster Prevention and Management

Project Rationale:

Cadek is located in the coastal area of Aceh Besar and was affected by the tsunami of 2004. There is no vertical evacuation facility that has been built in this area. Tsunami mitigation in this area relies on tsunami evacuation routes. However, most people in the targeted area seem unfamiliar with the network of evacuation, given the fact that the number of newcomers living in this area has increased.

Two years ago, the area was set as a residential area. The communities living there are mostly newcomers. It is important to introduce the existing evacuation network to the existing community in this area to increase the capacity of the community to mitigate the tsunami hazard.

Project Beneficiaries:

Community in Mukim Klieng and Mum Silang

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society

Link with Australian organisation: -

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