Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Design and Coding Course for People with Disability

25 Aug 2020

Design and Coding Course for People with Disability

Project leader: Mr. Panji Prabowo

Level of education and university: Non Degree, Queensland University of Technology

Collaborating Organisations: GERKATIN Jawa Barat, BDG Digital and UPTD TIKOMDIK of Provincial Education Office of Jawa Barat

Project Location: Jawa Barat

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Disability Services

Project Rationale:

In Indonesia, the issue of disability is complex and wide ranging. Much evidence exists globally about its connection to poverty and people with disabilities are less likely to be employed.

According to Census 2010, having a mild disability gives a person only a 64.9 per cent chance of being employed compared to a person who is not disabled. For people with more serious disabilities, that percentage drops significantly to barely more than 10 percent. They are also more likely to be self-employed, even though they report difficulties in obtaining access to credit in order to establish businesses. Some people with disabilities reported success in obtaining employment but found current laws and programs not very helpful. There was no systematic effort to make governmental training programs effective or to enforce Indonesia’s laws on disability and employment. Many people experienced a lack of training, education, and access.

Based on research from TNP2K (The National Team for The Acceleration of Poverty Reduction /, the recommendations for solving that problem are:

  • Make vocational training programs inclusive
  • Align labour laws with the UNCRPD to enforce a rights-based approach to employment
  • Promote employment through public awareness campaigns
  • Conduct pilot tests of employment programs to develop and demonstrate good practices
  • Reduce barriers to microfinance for people with disabilities to assist in self-employment

Our project is aligned with these recommendations. We want to make a course/vocational program for  people with disabilities to learn about programming and design to increase their skill and possibility to work.

Project Beneficiaries:

80 people with disability

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society

Link with Australian organisation: 

Canva Pty Ltd

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