Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Independent Health Agents for Vulnerable Groups including Women, the Elderly and People with Disabilities

14 Dec 2020

Independent Health Agents for Vulnerable Groups including Women, the Elderly and People with Disabilities

Project leader: Mrs. Umi Masruroh

Level of education and university: Non Degree, The University of Sydney

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Location: DI Yogyakarta

Activity Type: Community development activities

Sector: Disability Services

Project Rationale:


1. In Bantul in 2019, there were 14 cases of maternal mortality in childbirth, 101 cases of infant deaths, 3,725 cases of stunted children and 1,424 cases of dengue. One of the factors in the high number of cases is the lack of prevention efforts both by the government and in the  uneducated community (the community who have not yet received information about maternal mortality prevention”).

2. According to Bapel Jamkesos DIY, the Yogyakarta Special Region ranked number 1 in people with non-communicable diseases in Indonesia due to lack of preventive and promotive programs.

This independent health agency program will target basic health check-up activities such as checking blood pressure, body weight, arm circumference and abdominal circumference for women, people with disability and the elderly. This program will also target health education activities for the community as an effort to prevent non-communicable diseases.

Project Beneficiaries:

3985 women, people with disabilities and elderly

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society

Link with Australian organisation: -

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