Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Empowering Coconut Smallholder Farmers through Replanting & Sustainable Agriculture

14 Dec 2020

Empowering Coconut Smallholder Farmers through Replanting & Sustainable Agriculture

Project leader: Ms. Irna Susrianti

Level of education and university: Non Degree, The University of Sydney

Collaborating Organisations: āluān

Project Location: Aceh

Activity Type: Community development activities

Sector: Trade, Economics, Rural Growth, Agriculture, Small and medium enterprise development, Climate Change

Project Rationale:

Simeulue is an island that has plentiful resources for coconuts, but the coconut farmers are considered among the poorest farmers. This condition is caused by the fact that most coconut trees in Simeulue are very old and not very productive anymore, and the farmers do not have knowledge about sustainable agricultural method. Moreover, the coconut farmers also do not have direct access to buyers (processing companies). The only contact they have with buyers is through the agents (coconut traders), so they have very little information about prices and they cannot manage their sales. This condition lead to poor livelihoods for coconut farmers in Simeulue.

In Simeulue and in poor households, women are also expected to work to support family income. However, whenever there is a program for poor households, women are less likely to access the training, unless if the project and activity are focussed for women, because men are culturally identified as heads of households and targeted as beneficiaries.

Project Beneficiaries:

30 coconut farmers (men and women) in Simeulue

Priority Development Area:

Economic institutions and infrastructure

Link with Australian organisation: -

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