Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

05 December 2022

Strengthening the implementation of the Ministry of Education Decree No. 30/2021 on Preventing and Response of Sexual Violence at University through the Existence of Policy Quality Index

Project leader: Khotimun Sutanti

Level of education and university: Non Degree, University of New South Wales

Collaborating Organisations: National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan)

Project Location: National (based in Jakarta) and online involving participants from various provinces

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Law, legal and judicial systems, Public Sector Reform, Environmental Law, Women and Gender Studies, Disability Services

Project Rationale:

Komnas Perempuan’s Annual Report/ Catahu (2017-2019) recorded 14,836 cases of sexual violence. In 2020, there were 1,234 cases of sexual violence. This figure does not describe the number of victims, because each case can involve more than one victim. Many cases in educational institutions are difficult to resolve through the law, and people still often stigmatise victims. Sexual violence victims experience multiple layers of discrimination because of age, gender, and power relations. In cases where the victim is a student and the perpetrator is a teacher, the victim becomes the most vulnerable group in the educational institution.

The Ministry of Education (MoEC) has released Permendikbud No. 30/2021 on PPKS (Decree on Prevention and Response of Sexual Violence at the University). The Ministry of Religion has also released SOPs since 2019. However, there is no standard yet to measure the implementation on each campus. Meanwhile, there are differences in policy standards from one university to another, so it is difficult to see the target for change in each university. Therefore, it is very important to have standards for measuring the quality of sexual violence prevention policies in educational institutions.

Project Beneficiaries:

Women and vulnerable groups, especially in the university environment

Priority Development Area:


Link with Australian organisation:

Not available

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