Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

18 July 2024

ILLA Program Grows: Welcoming 18 New Ambassadors in the Second Cohort 2024

We are excited to announce the continuation and expansion of the Indonesian Language Learning Ambassadors (ILLA) pilot program for the Second Cohort 2024, starting on 17 July 2024. This program continues to foster language and cultural exchange, strengthening the ties between Australia and Indonesia.

Reflecting on her experiences from the previous cohort, Alixia Shafira Caesarion shared, “Volunteering with ILLA has been eye-opening. I didn't realise how significant Indonesian culture is in the Australian education system. ILLA allowed me to share modern Indonesian culture with Australian youth and reminded me of its richness and diversity. The students loved Indonesian pop hits like Sheila on 7 and RAN, and they were eager to learn the language. I hope my efforts sparked a lasting appreciation for Indonesian culture. I would be thrilled to volunteer with ILLA again. Thank you, ILLA!”

Building on the success of the initial pilot program, which began in First Cohort 2024 with six Australian schools and ten Ambassadors, the Second Cohort 2024 will see increased participation to five schools and five universities and 18 new Ambassadors. The program aims to forge lasting connections between Indonesian Australia Awards scholars and the local Australian community.

In this new cohort, we are proud to introduce 18 new ILLA Ambassadors who will bring the richness of Indonesian language, culture, and customs to Australian schools. "Joining the ILLA program will allow me to forge valuable connections within the Australian higher education community while also showcasing the richness of Indonesian language and culture,” said Nindya Soraya, one of the new Ambassadors.

The new ILLA Ambassadors are eager to share their knowledge and experiences with students and teachers, creating a vibrant cultural exchange that enriches everyone involved. We are excited to see their ambitions and goals as they embark on this incredible journey. Let’s hear from them through this video!

We send our warmest wishes to each ILLA Ambassador as they head into the classroom for Second Cohort 2024. Stay tuned for more updates on the ILLA program and its upcoming initiatives!

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