Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

08 May 2018

Improving Primary Education Quality through School and Madrasah Consortium

Project Leader: Mokhamad Iksan

University: Monash University

Lead Organisation: Tim PPKB Ditjen Kementerian Agama

Collaborating Organisations: Madrasah Development Center (MDC) of East Java

Project Location : Jawa Timur    

Activity Type : Training, workshops, seminars     

Sector : Education and training

Project Objectives:

  • To advance the quality achievements of schools and madrasah that participated in the previous AGS-funded project
  • To share the best practices of the previous project with neighboring schools and madrasah to improve the quality of their education services
  • To train local trainers in improving primary school quality and develop local resources

Project Description:

This follow-on project will have three components: Dissemination, extension, and local resources.

  • Dissemination activities: 15 schools and madrasah that didn’t participate in the previous project will join the consortium and receive training to upgrade their capacity to improve education quality. Training will be delivered in five areas: Effective School and Community Participation Improvement; School Planning; Curriculum Development; Active Learning; and, Student Leadership and Management.
  • Extension activities: 15 schools and madrasah that were part of the previous project will receive training in new areas, including Learning Evaluation as regulated by the Curriculum 2013, Teaching Learning Methods, and Student Creative Entrepreneurship.
  • Development of local resources: local trainers will be trained to deliver the training.

Project Beneficiaries:

The direct beneficiaries include about 540 managers and teachers in 30 schools and madrasah in the consortium. They also include local trainers. The indirect beneficiaries include about 6,000 children in the 30 schools and madrasah.

Priority Development Area : Human development for a productive and healthy society            

Social Inclusion Priorities : Youth, Gender

Links with Australia:

No Australian organizations are involved in this project, other than the Australia Awards.

Relevant Facts:

The previous AGS-funded project supported 15 schools, and benefitted 269 teachers and 2,967 children. It delivered training in five areas: Effective School and Community Participation Improvement; School Planning; Curriculum Development; Active Learning; and, Student Leadership and Management. Almost 94% of trainees said the training was effective. Participating school and madrasah managers, teachers and students have made significant improvements. The project was managed by a school and madrasah consortium.

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