Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

08 May 2018

Jakarta Story Festival

Project Leader: Aqmarina Andira

University: The University of Sydney

Lead Organisation: Rumah Cerita

Project Location: DKI Jakarta     

Activity Type: Public awareness campaigns         

Sector: Education Management

Project Objectives:

  • To deliver a 2-day literary festival for children and youth (6-18 years old) in Jakarta
  • To raise public interest and appreciation of reading, writing and literature
  • To allow positive interaction through stories and ideas

Project Description:

Festival Cerita Jakarta (Jakarta Story Festival) will deliver a 2-day literary festival for children and youth in Jakarta. The festival will provide an opportunity for children and youth to learn from professional writers, journalists, and poets through interactive discussions and workshops. They will learn the importance of critical thinking, social awareness, appreciative gesture and compassion, writing skills, as well as gain the confidence to articulatetheir ideas. The best way to improve the reading interest of a nation is to target the children and youth. The opportunity to interact directly with literary professionals and with each other will show Indonesian young generation that reading and literary world is exciting and important. 

Project Beneficiaries:

The direct beneficiaries are children and youth who attend the festival. The project will also benefit the literary community in Indonesia.

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society          

Social Inclusion Priorities: Youth

Links with Australia:

Rumah Cerita will collaborate with the Sydney Story Factory or the Sydney Writers Festival when children and youth in Indonesia have more interest in reading and literary activities through this festival. 

Relevant Facts:

Indonesia ranks 60th out of 61 countries in terms of reading interest, according to a study by the Central Connecticut State University in the United States.

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