Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

The 2018 Alumni Music Talent Competition

16 August 2018

The 2018 Alumni Music Talent Competition

Calling all Australian alumni from Indonesia! If you have a music talent that is worth a spot on the Gig on the Green (Gog) alumni youth event, don’t hide it! Show us what you’ve got by joining the Australian Alumni Music Talent Competition 2018. Don’t wait up and send us a short video of your smashing music talent before Saturday 15 September.

The best music talent video will be played at the GoG 2018 and win an amazing prize worth 450AUD. So, you want to try your luck?

Here is all the information. It will take just a few minutes and couldn’t be easier!


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