Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Join Us at the Study in Australia Online Expo on 6 March

11 February 2021

Join Us at the Study in Australia Online Expo on 6 March

Registration for the Study in Australia Online Expo has been closed because we have reached the maximum number of registrations for the event. Thank you for your interest!

For any further enquiries, please contact us at


What’s it like to study in Australia? What should you major in? What are the qualifications and requirements to study in Australia? How should you prepare? Here is a perfect opportunity for you to get all the answers at the Study in Australia Online Expo on Saturday, 6 March 2021 at 9.00 am – 4.00 pm Jakarta time.

In this opportunity, you will have an insightful discussion with representatives from top universities in Australia, receive valuable information about living and studying in Australia from our alumni, and picked up tips about scholarships opportunities to Australia, including Australia Awards Scholarships, and other homegrown scholarships.

Due to limited consultation time, please plan your questions and outline your information goals to help you get the most from the event. You are required to submit your questions to universities and scholarship providers in the registration form.

This expo is open to public and will be held via Zoom. The registration is FREE, so please ensure your name is registered by 2 March on the link here. If you have any inquiries, please contact us via email at

Find out more on list of universities and scholarship providers at the Study in Australia Online Expo here.


Ayo Bergabung di Pameran Daring “Study in Australia” 6 Maret

Bagaimana rasanya studi di Australia? Jurusan apa yang harus anda ambil? Apa saja kualifikasi dan persyaratan untuk studi di Australia? Bagaimana sebaiknya anda mempersiapkan diri? Dapatkan semua jawaban dari pertanyaan anda dengan mengikuti Pameran Daring “Study in Australia” pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 6 Maret 2021 pukul 9.00 – 16.00 WIB.

Di kesempatan ini, anda bisa berdiskusi dengan perwakilan dari universitas ternama di Australia, mendapatkan informasi dari para alumni mengenai studi dan tinggal di Australia, dan memperoleh tip tentang peluang beasiswa ke Australia, termasuk diantaranya Beasiswa Australia Awards dan Beasiswa dari Pemerintah Indonesia.

Sehubungan dengan terbatasnya durasi konsultasi dan untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dari pameran ini, segera persiapkan pertanyaan dan uraikan informasi yang ingin Anda peroleh. Pertanyaan untuk universitas dan pihak penyedia beasiswa harus dicantumkan di dalam formulir pendaftaran.

Pameran ini terbuka untuk umum dan akan dilaksanakan melalui aplikasi Zoom. Pendaftaran GRATIS, jadi pastikan untuk registrasi selambat-lambatnya tanggal 2 Maret di tautan ini. Jika ada pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami melalui email di

Daftar universitas dan penyedia beasiswa yang berpartisipasi di Pameran Daring “Study in Australia” dapat diperoleh di tautan berikut.

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