Australia Awards in Indonesia

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Join Our Online Lecture on Student Wellbeing: Current (Mis)understandings and Directions Post-COVID

31 May 2022

Join Our Online Lecture on Student Wellbeing: Current (Mis)understandings and Directions Post-COVID

Are you keen to learn about the impact of school closures on the education and wellbeing of students and teachers? Join our online lecture on 17 June at 2.00 pm Jakarta time, and get insights from Dr Annie Gowing, a senior lecturer in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education and Student Wellbeing Specialisation Leader.

School closures caused by COVID-19 have affected the education and wellbeing of children and young people worldwide. However, not every student has experienced the impacts in the same way. The pandemic has magnified some inequalities and revealed others that were previously invisible.

Those most affected include young people with additional learning needs and disabilities. These students are likely to feel the wellbeing impact longer than other students. Schools will need to continue the flexible and adaptable practices they discovered during the pandemic as their students rebuild their socio-emotional and cognitive wellbeing. The wellbeing of teachers must also be rebuilt. Teachers have endured the same challenges as the whole population but with the additional stress of supporting their students for extended periods in the online environment. Parents and teachers will need to remain alert, observant, adaptable and responsive to ensure our young people thrive in a world with unexpected challenges – not just COVID-19.

The e-certificate for participation is available. If you are interested in attending this event, RSVP by 15 June at this link. Click here to get more information about the online lecture and Dr Annie Gowing.

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