Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

19 April 2023

Join Our Lecture on “Catering to the Needs of Students in the Changing Cultural Space“

Are you interested in learning how to cater to students' needs in an ever-changing society? Join our online lecture titled "Catering to the Needs of Students in the Changing Cultural Space" on Friday, 5 May 2023, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Jakarta time and gain insight from Associate Professor Rekha Koul from Curtin University.

The education system necessitates preparing today's children for the needs of tomorrow, and more so in our current ever-changing society. Children need to be educated by an agile, forward-looking, and flexible schooling system, preparing students for jobs that are yet to be invented.

This presentation will focus on developing these transversal competencies in students through the design thinking process, mainly focusing on students studying Science, Technology, Engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

The e-certificate for participation is available. If you want to attend this event, RSVP by May at this link. Click here for more information about the online lecture and Associate Professor Rekha Koul.

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