Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

23 May 2024

Alumni Outcomes Survey Results

Australia Awards in Indonesia offers a prestigious scholarship scheme to Indonesians from diverse backgrounds covering a range of awards, including PhD, Masters, Split-Site Masters and Short Courses. The program also supports a range of enrichment and networking activities designed to enhance scholars' skills and potential as change agents.

AAI’s goal for 2022-2030 is to support Indonesia’s development goals through education and knowledge transfer and to build a lasting relationship between Indonesia and Australia that advances mutual interests. AAI focuses on two key outcomes:

  • Diverse alumni contribute to Indonesia’s inclusive and sustainable development.
  • Diverse alumni enhance cooperation between Australia and Indonesia.

The alumni survey was conducted to measure program performance against intermediate and program outcome indicators, focusing on evidence of changes in practices and behavior among alumni and their influence on organisational processes and networks.

We are proud to celebrate their achievements and contributions. The Masters & PhD and Short Courses survey results in 2022 and 2023 showcase the significant contributions AAI alumni are making towards these outcomes, reflecting the program's success in driving positive change and strengthening international bonds.

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