Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

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20 June 2017

Call for Papers: Contemporary Islam in Indonesia and Australia

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, through Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM), invites Indonesian alumni who studied in Australia, including short courses participants and other Australian government funded programs such as Muslim Exchange Program (MEP), Partnership in Islamic Education Scholarship Program (PIES), and Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) to submit a paper for consideration of inclusion in a forthcoming compendium publication with the theme ”Contemporary Islam in Indonesia and Australia”. The compendium will be launched in September 2017, coinciding with our TED-inspired presentations by prominent alumni speakers on the same topic.

The initial step is to submit by 14 July 2017 an abstract of the paper for consideration of selection by a Compendium Review Team. Further details on the abstract and paper are provided at the conclusion of this note.

Papers may address, but need not be restricted to, the main theme. Below we list some sub-themes for your consideration. Other related sub-topics from those we have listed are also acceptable.

Sub Themes: Diversity within Islam; Islam and development; Islam and science; Islam and business practice; Islam and culture; Islam and democracy; Islam and education; Islam and gender relations; Islam and higher learning; Islam and humanities; Islam and international relations; Islam and management; Islam and sustainable development; Islam and the challenge of pluralism; Islam in the media.

Join us and respond to this Call for Papers and showcase your work on the multidimensional facets of contemporary Islam in Indonesia and Australia!


The Compendium Review Team will review all submitted abstracts and assess them in relation to quality and relevance to the theme.

Authors will be informed by Wednesday 19 July 2017 whether or not their paper has been accepted. Where an abstract for a paper is accepted, revisions or changes of emphasis to match the theme may be requested.

Full papers must be submitted to the Compendium Review Committee by Monday 14 August 2017.

All selected abstracts, authors’ biography and profile photos will be published on the UIN and PPIM website. 


  • Abstracts must be submitted online using the following link
  • Abstracts must be submitted by Friday 14 July 2017 before 16:00 WIB
  • Abstracts must be no more than 300 words
  • Biographies must be no more than 200 words
  • Authors must supply a passport size photo
  • Abstracts must address one of the sub-themes
  • Abstracts and biographies may undergo editing before being published

(Note – the length of the paper will be 2000 words)


Abstract submissions open

Monday 19 June 2017

Abstract submissions close

Friday 14 July  2017

Notification of acceptance

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Deadline for full papers

Monday 14 August 2017

Compendium Launch

Monday 18 September 2017


Flyers in Bahasa Indonesia and English are provided here.

If you have any questions, please contact Australia Awards in Indonesia for more information by telephone on +62 21 5277 648 ext. 142 or by email on, using subject “Call for Papers Contemporary Islam in Indonesia and Australia.”


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