Australia Awards in Indonesia

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Join Our Lecture on “Multicultural Australia: Snapshot and Reflection”

26 July 2022

Join Our Lecture on “Multicultural Australia: Snapshot and Reflection”

Are you keen to learn about multiculturalism and the migrant population’s experience in Australia? Join our online lecture on 12 August at 2:00 pm Jakarta time and get insights from Simon Hoy and Associate Professor Riyana Miranti from the Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra.

Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. The 2021 census has confirmed that Australia’s population is more diverse than ever. Over half (51.5 per cent) of Australia’s population are first or second-generation migrants, having at least one parent born overseas. The census also found that more than 5.5 million Australians speak a language other than English at home. Migrants have fundamentally shaped Australia’s culture and economy, making a significant contribution to the nation’s diversity and productivity.

What can we learn from Australia’s diversity? Through this online lecture, we will learn about the advantages and challenges of multiculturalism in Australia from the speakers’ own reflections on life in Australia as migrants.

The e-certificate for participation is available. If you are interested in attending this event, RSVP by 10 August at this link. Click here for more information about the online lecture and the speakers, Simon Hoy and Associate Professor Riyana Miranti.

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